
Term Four Week One - Due Friday 19th October
  • You’ll be taking home books from your group’s browsing box every night.  Make sure you read with someone for at least 15 minutes every night.
  • What is an inference?  Sometimes a book won’t tell us everything about what’s happening but we can figure it out by putting together clues, this is an inference.

Maths - Place value practice

e.g. twenty three
two tens + three ones
forty one 


six tens + seven ones




eight tens + six ones





four tens + nine ones



five tens + two ones

  • Put 5 of your words into sentences.
  • Read your words over and over.
  • Copy your words out several times.
  • Have someone test you.
Strawberries - 2.13 Chocolates 3.2
lunch Christmas
open asked
shop give
swim hold
these letter
two mouse
wanted pig
climb road
food side
love town

Tell and show
Jessika, Danika, Ethan

Term 3 Week 5 Due Friday
Maths:  I am learning to add and subtract tens

+ 50

+ 30

+ 40

+ 10

- 10

- 20

- 30

- 10

+ 10

+ 50

+ 40

+ 30

Write a sentence using each of your spelling words, make sure your sentences:
  • Have a Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence
  • Have a full stop at the end of the sentence
  • Make sense.

Each night you will either take home the reader we’ve used that day or one from your browsing box.  It is very important that you practice reading every night to keep improving.

Tell and Show
Remember we do this to practice our oral language skills.   Things to focus on are making eye contact with your audience, speaking clearly and with enough volume to be heard, and describing our items carefully.

Jessika, Danika and Ethan are showing this week.

Week 1 Term 3
Homework is due on Friday 20th July
Book bags need to be at school every day.
You will take home a book on your instructional levels on the days that you have worked with me on the mat. On the days that you work independently you will take home a book from your browsing box which will be one or two levels lower than your instructional level. 
It might happen that you have read some of the Independent books before.
The Purple and Gold group take Journals home from time to time. Please remember to read only one story a night and to bring it to school every day, because we will use it in the class every day. 
Please try to make time to read with someone every day.
It is really important that we keep track of the books that you read. Please remind mum or dad to sign your reading log in the back of your book.
Practise your spelling words every day and complete the spelling sheet that is glued into your book.
We will write our spelling test every Monday.
Complete the Basic Fact and Place Value sheets every day.

Inquiry Learning
This term we will be looking at The Olympic Games.
Create an information poster about a country participating in the Olympic games in London 2012. 
My Country is: ___________________________________________
Your poster must have:
  • A title with the countries name
  • A picture of the flag
  • How many people live in the country
  • Main language they speak
  • Symbol or animal of the country
  • 2 interesting facts about the country

We will be holding the annual speech competition in week 4 and 5 of this term. For some of you, that’s exciting – no sweat, for many it’s a bit scary and for a few it’s a nightmare!  
For your homework this week. I would like you to think about, and decide what topic you would like to write your speech on this year and write it in your home fun book. You can choose any persuasive topic. Remember when you persuade someone you have to convince them to agree with you. 
Some ideas of persuasive topics: Recycling is important, Everyone should have a pet, We should have longer lunchtimes, Holidays needs to be longer, Tagging should be banned, etc.
(You DO NOT need to start writing your speech this week)

Dear Parents / Guardians
If there is anything you would like to discuss with me please feel free to get in touch.  My email is the best option (davidb@reremoana.school.nz) and will be at the bottom of each homefun sheet.  Alternatively, feel free to pop in after 3pm Wednesday - Friday and make a time to meet.
Guidelines for Homefun
The students will bring home:
Homefun sheet in books (due Friday morning).  To be completed with black pen for writing and pencil or coloured pencil for drawing.  There are must do’s which all children need to complete and can do’s for those who finish early and would like a bit extra.  Presentation is an important aspect of schoolwork and homefun books are to be treated with care, with work that is displayed clearly and neatly.
Spelling Words in homefun book.  These will be words spelt incorrectly in their writing books topped up with essential spelling words.
Poem of the week in homefun book.  Children are encouraged to read this aloud, make a list of their own words with the targeted sound, substitute the content for content relative to themselves (for example in the er poem Brother, substitute Brother for Sister), illustrate it with relative illustrations and become confident in presenting it.  One student may be chosen to present the poem at the end of each week.
Library book of their own choosing (due back following Monday)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Readers 2 - 3 levels below their instructional level.  This helps children to read for enjoyment and feel a sense of success when reading.  This should be a quiet time which is enjoyed by adult and child.  It is expected that children read to a family member each Tuesday to Friday for 10-15 minutes.
An instructional level reader for children to look at over the weekend.
Homefun is designed to be a revision of what has been learnt in class, and therefore students should be able to complete the must do’s with very little or no aid. 
Children are encouraged to plan their homefun time around other after school activities (if they have cricket on a Thursday, they can block out extra time on a Wednesday for example.)


  1. Hi Miss Tait
    QU sounds like quilt

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend

    Jessika Adam

  2. TO miss Tait the two letters in the words are TH.I will dunk you on the dunking machine. FROM ethan

  3. to Miss Tait the sound of the week is A.
    here is a link for you to print out the pictures of the Dr Seuss books you asked for. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dr._Seuss_book_covers
    from Danika

  4. You are all such smarty pants! Thanks Jessika for wishing me a lovely weekend, thank you Ethan for laughing at me on the dunking machine and cheers Danika for the AWESOME link full of Dr Seuss book covers!

  5. Hi Miss Tait
    The sound of the week is the lettel A.


  6. Hi Miss Tait

    The sound for the week is A.
    Have a nice day!!!!

